
Bible Study Playlist

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Put Everything into God's Hands-Bible Study With Vina

Hello everyone and welcome back :)  Today is another "Bible Study With Vina" and we will be talking about Putting everything in God's Hands.  Have you ever been in a situation where you just didn't know what you were going to do?  You were so upset you have so much to think about, and it's all going wrong and you don't know how you are going to pay your next bill, how are you going to fix your marriage, how you are going to get your car fixed, or put food on the table or even catch a break?  I'm sure we have all been in a situation like that once or twice in our lives.  Well I have recently gone through something where if something didn't I was doing my bible study last night, in my living room with my bible and journal and Ipad and I came across this verse and article and I'm going to share it with you.


2 Corinthians 1:9New International Version (NIV)

   "9 Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead."
    So I was doing my bible study last night, and I read this article that just inspired me and encouraged me and gave me hope and something to think about, so I wanted to share it. This article talked about a man and his wife.  The husband had lost his job, and his wife had no idea what they were going to do.  But then this man read this verse, and it reminded him of Paul.  Paul was a man of faith and he wrote more than half of the new testament.  Now Paul was in a situation where he had no idea what he was going to do, but he decided that he needed to stop relying on himself, and put his faith and trust in God and he did.  By doing this God got him through the situation.  Now going back to the husband and wife.  The husband would get asked by so many people "what are you going to do?" He would reply...I don't know... but God does."  His wife realized at that moment that it was time they stop relying on themselves and their own wants and desires and worries and start putting their faith in God, because only him can help them through the situation they were in; and eventually, the husband got a really good job.


My Reflection:
    I wanted to share that because it was so inspiring to me; and I encourage everyone to read it because it's really encouraging. Anyway,  this is something I am still learning especially after the week that I've had.  You know a lot of us only think about ourselves, and we want and desire so much, but we never realize that God already has a plan for us. He already knows what is going to happen and what he wants for our lives...we just have to stop thinking about ourselves and about how bad our lives are at the time, and start relying on what God has in store for us.  We have to put our faith in God and just let him take over our lives, our desires, our wants and remember that "he will supply all our needs, according to his riches and glory-Philippians 4:9, and if we ask, we will receive-Matthew 7:7, and when you do not ask, then you do not receive-James 4:2-3"...but we need to put our faith in the Lord above who created us and knows how our lives will turn out.
I hope this blesses, inspires and encourages someone out there today.

Question of the day:
  -Have you ever had a time where you just had to put your trust and faith in God?  You just didn't know where else to turn, and he was the one who was there?  Let me know in the comments below and have a great day.

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