
Bible Study Playlist

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Blog challenge day 2: Tell us the story of how you became anentrepreneur/How journaling turned into blogging

Why and when I started Journaling:
I started journaling when I was younger. When I was younger I used to get mad all the time.  Even though I was very quiet as a child, when I hit like my young adult years, I used to feel like people should listen to me. But after getting things taken away all the time for slamming my door or turning my music up super loud, I decided to try something new.  I chose to go to a christian school in high school, and there I learned how to write in a journal.  I absolutely loved it. A journal was a way for me to just talk about whatever I was feeling and let all my emotions out.  It ended up becoming a way for me to talk to my mom. I would write in my journal and leave it out on my dresser that day and I would go to school.  I knew that she would see it because she did laundry every day and she usually always went in our rooms to put them on our beds. It really became that emotional opener for me.  As I grew and got into college, I still used journals, just not as much. 
The challenge I faced:
 The challenge became when I used to blog a lot, I wrote a blog post about a friend and things, and their significant other got mad or offended so bad that to this day we are not friends.  After 8 years of being friends, the person he loved, just hated me so much, that our 8 year friendship completely disintegrated. We ended our friendship and it was sad.  Again I journaled that emotion  bcause he was one of my friends that I could just share everything with and not be judged..but then he met his significant other and all of that changed. By  putting it on my blog, it  just seemed to cause more problems. And that all happened a year ago.  Now I'm almost 26, I'm married with a child, and I use a lot of different ones.  I have one that is mainly for my devotionals or anything I read out of the bible or an inspirational book.  It all goes into my journal, things that I have learned, things that God wants me to know, things that just inspire me.  I also write what I'm feeling because I feel that writing is a way of letting go of the hurt you may have been feeling inside, and working towards that emotional healing that we all need to have. Knowing that I "wear my feelings on my sleeve," so to speak, I understand the power of writing things down and letting things go. 
How I overcame the challenge:
I over came this challenge by just realizing that journaling and blogging is a way for me to express my interests, likes, my life and emotions I will always use a journal, and I think that everyone should learn to write things down and get our feelings out there, because feelings can be misleading and if you don't let them go, they can destroy your life. My bachelors is in psychology and my masters is in health care administration, and I firmly believe that if you are going to be emotionally healed, then you need to get out all of the bad vibes and hurt from your life and mind, and start filling it with positive thinking. A good and healthy heart, has a good and healthy mind. so that is why I love blogging.  I love to just write and get down all my ideas and emotions because it makes me a better mother and wife when I do that.  My mind is clearer and healthy and it's not filled with the things that I've been thinking about for awhile. So now I'm officially blogging, I love it, and I don't let people tell me what I can and cannot put on my blog. I do encourage anyone to do this, because it is just an amazing feeling especially if you don't have someone who is willing to listen to what you are thinking about. 
When I got my first reader and how journaling turned into blogging:
I still journal, but by journaling, it turned into blogging. I got my first reader when I actually started to blog about things that mattered to me instead of what other's thought I should write about.  Now I write about what I love and who I love, and yes my emotions do come out in my blogs at times, but I'm not going to stop blogging because my emotions may come out. I feel like when your emotions really come out, you are being real and true to yourself, therefore others will see the real you.
What has been my biggest lesson that I have learned:
My biggest lesson has been that I have to realize that not everyone is going to like what I say.  They are not always going to agree with what I write about, and I have to understand that it's ok.  It's ok for everyone to have their own opinions because that is life.  And when I learn that, then I can really learn to just write whatever, no matter the outcome.

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