Feeling healthy doesn’t just mean looking good on the outside, but also feeling good on the inside. When you look at people, and they look healthy, you should ask if they feel healthy on the inside. Feeling healthy is one of those things that we don’t really recognize, but we should. Putting healthy things in our bodies like vegetables, fruits, water, good drinks, can really change the way we feel. When we feel more energized, we feel like we can accomplish things and we not only look good on the outside from doing our normal exercises, but we also feel good on the inside. With feeling healthy on the inside, we also feel happy. We are filling our bodies with nourishing, healthy foods and drinks, which in return makes us feel happy about what we are doing and what we look like. And with this, we also feel beautiful. Just like when we put makeup on or put on pretty clothes, we also feel beautiful because everything we have done has led up to how we feel. Even if others don’t think we are beautiful, we know that we are and that’s what matters. So fuel your bodies with amazing drinks and foods, feel happy from the inside out and in return the end result is that you will feel beautiful and that will show through. Looking back, when I didn’t eat well, or try and fit some form of exercise in, or drink a healthy drink like green juice, or water, I didn’t feel good on the inside, which didn’t make me feel good on the outside. But when I did strive to fuel my body with healthy nutrients, and all of that, not only did I feel healthy on the inside, but I felt healthy on the outside, and therefore I felt happy because I felt good, and in return, I felt beautiful with who I am and more confident.
Nourishing your body with healthy nutrients = makes you feel happy, which in return = makes you feel beautiful.
Hope this gave you some encouragement and some food for thought :)
Question for thought:
How do you feel healthy, happy and beautiful?
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