
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Find you when I'm on my knees

I haven't written in a while and I'm sorry for that.  I've been going through some hard times, within myself and other things.  There were times when I felt like I could not go on.  My mind was troubled, my mind was filled with doubt, pain, regret...but no peace.  I longed for peace, but could not find it.  It wasn't until today that I tried to really do something for myself that was good.  I did yoga while listening to worship music.  It was very peaceful and calming.  It reminded me of a scripture that I keep going back to...Psalm 34:14 which says "seek peace and pursue it." I know for a lot of people, the bible or Christianity doesn't mean much, but for me, it is comfort.  It reminds me that God is still with me even if I stray or lose him. When we seek peace, and we get down on our knees and pray for guidance, comfort, strength and love...he lends his arms out and he is there. Sometimes we feel that he leaves us to fend for ourselves, but really he doesn't.  I think that he likes to test our faith and trust in him, to see if we will follow him and put our full trust in him. So if I could share anything with you, and myself today, it would be to seek peace if you need it, and pursue it.  Don't forget that God is there right beside you if you need him.

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